Which of the following Forms of Interpersonal Power Is Based on Position and Mutual Agreement

  • 2023.09.22
  • 未分類

When it comes to understanding the dynamics of power within interpersonal relationships, there are several different forms that come into play. These include expert power, referent power, reward power, coercive power, and legitimate power. Each of these forms is rooted in different aspects of relationships, from personal charisma to the ability to distribute rewards or punishment.

One form of power that is particularly relevant in organizational settings is legitimate power. Legitimate power is based on the concept of authority: the idea that certain individuals or roles within an organization are entitled to make decisions and give orders that others are obligated to follow. This type of power is based on position and mutual agreement, meaning that it derives from an individual`s formally recognized role within an organization and the implicit agreement among members of the organization that this role carries a certain level of authority.

One of the hallmarks of legitimate power is that it is recognized and accepted by those who are subject to it. This means that individuals who hold legitimate power are seen as having a right to make decisions or give orders, and that others within the organization are expected to comply with these decisions or orders. This recognition and acceptance of legitimate power is often reinforced by the norms and practices of the organization itself, which are designed to uphold the authority of those in positions of power.

In many cases, legitimate power is intertwined with other forms of power, such as expert power or reward power. For example, a manager who holds legitimate power within an organization may also have expert power if they are seen as having particular knowledge or skills that are relevant to the organization`s goals. Additionally, they may have reward power if they are able to distribute bonuses or other incentives to employees who meet certain targets or perform well.

Overall, legitimate power is an important concept to understand when it comes to analyzing the dynamics of power within organizations. By recognizing the role of formal authority and mutual agreement in determining who has power within an organization, we can better understand how decisions are made and how individuals are able to influence others within the context of their roles and responsibilities.